Jessica Simpson`s Wedding Dress

I could not find the dress.
Posted by Diane; updated 05/15/04


To Spelling Police,

You shouldn`t criticize other people`s writing if you don`t understand the rules of grammar yourself. Punctuation is not only for the end of sentences. A comma is a form of punctuation. You post was missing a comma after the word correctly.

Here is the definition of a comma in case you don`t believe me: \`ka:m-*\ n [LL, fr. L, part of a sentence, fr. Gk komma segment, clause, fr. Kopt]ein to cut 1: a punctuation mark, used esp. As a mark of separation within the sentence 2: PAUSE, INTERVAL

To everyone else,

Sorry about the stupid grammar post.
Posted by Lauren; updated 05/15/04


You must have no life what-so-ever to have looked that up. Who cares? The Spelling Poiice must have gotten the best of you. If I were you Lauren, I`d feel like a total fool. Plus, you forgot to put the `r` onto you to make `your`.
Posted by Lindsey; updated 05/15/04


I need to find a pic of jessica`s dress
Posted by diana; updated 06/13/04


If you are looking for the dress all i know is that it is a Vera Wang
Posted by Hilda; updated 06/13/04