I Need Ideas For A Low Cost Wedding

My fiance and I just recently got engaged and we are planning a wedding for early 2004. We are looking for any interesting or creative low cost ideas for the wedding. We live on Long Island, NY and weddings here are very expensive ($30,000 just for the reception). We have a large family and many close friends, but do not need to have an elaborate reception. Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!! You can e-mail me at hottlindalou@aol.com
Posted by Linda; updated 11/15/02


Hi I run a low cost wedding supply service I can help you plan a low cost but beuatiful wedding and reception email me at starkeeper_75@hotmail.com or visit my webpage @ http://www.geocities.com/starkeeper_75/mels.html
Posted by Mel; updated 12/29/02


Try Looking at your Local dollar Stores, Big Lots, Hobby Lobby Fabric Stores & Wal-Mart. They all offer Wonderful Bargains. You just have to take the time to locate Exactly what YOU are looking for.
Hobby Lobby has a Wonderful price on their Wedding Bubbles at $2.99 for 24 . Watch the Dollar stores for your Centerpieces & Candles. Check out Wal-Mart for their Weding aisle I got a Set of $20.00 Wedding glasses for $5.00.
Posted by Tami; updated 12/30/02


Introducing the unique Luvhearts Collection www.Luvhearts.net
Posted by Michael Kirchmai; updated 12/31/02


Thank you for your ideas, I am just beginning the planning process and there is so much to do! I appreciate everyones suggestions.
Posted by Linda; updated 12/31/02


Hi, I am an event planner in the SF Bay Area. Here`s an idea: Do a morning wedding and a breakfast or brunch for your guests. 1) It is less expensive to rent halls for mornings. 2) Breakfasts are less expensive to serve than dinners (hor d`oeuvres are the MOST expensive, as they are very labor-intensive). 3) You and your hubby get an early start on the honeymoon! 4) Your alcohol bill will be 1/5th of that of an evening event.

Hope this helps!

One last thing: don`t skimp on your caterer. If you have the event catered, have someone experienced and licensed do it all. Imagine late/bad/wrong temp food...mismatched linens, poorly dress/trained waitstaff...yuck! Good luck!
Posted by Karen; updated 01/01/03


Help i need advise on a low cost but nice wedding reception
Posted by clare; updated 10/15/04


I know it isn`t what most people think of when they think of receptions, but we had ours at my in laws home. They have a lovely backyard and deck.
We borrowed tables and chairs from the local church. The neighbors/friends brought over some padded patio chairs for the older guests. They put up tents over the tables.
The food was a shared responsibility. Some brought by my parent`s, some by his and then lots of friends/neighbors wanted to help out and brought food. We had tons. We didn`t even ask most people they offered. In fact we didn`t suggest this, everyone offered.
The only things we really had to pay for was the table cloths and food warmers, music, decorations.
It ended up being wonderful. It had a real sense of family/community and was full of love.
Posted by h.m.; updated 10/28/04


Linda, have you thought of maybe using New Jersey for a place to get married? Only if it is close to you. I am not sure of the distance but it may cut some of the cost from the reception. Have you thought about having it in a park? A beautiful garden wedding or even a church wedding and having your reception in the park under a large tent? They can provide lighting for tents. Some have beautiful chandelier lighting in the tents. You can rent the tent, tables, chairs and have a caterer come out. Have them serve buffet style and rent the dance floor and DJ. You can do that for approx $15,000 for the whole thing if that is what you choose. Ask some restaurants if they have banquet rooms or private rooms for receptions and see if they will offer a good price. Also, I believe in asking for discounts. I shop at Old Navy and have walked to the counter and asked for the employee discount and sometimes I get it and sometimes they ask if I am an employee. I am not, but it is always worth asking. Ask local supermarkets about flowers. I saw another post on here and she stated that she is getting all of her flowers from a supermarket that sells flowers. That is a great idea. See if you can find your items in the winter months when there are few weddings going on and you can get it discounted. Go on eBay to find things that you can use. Cut your budget down by not offering favors. Donate some money to a worthy cause in the name of the wedding party and put that in the programs. Do the programs and invitations yourself on the computer, they have beautiful blank invitations now. You can find great bargains, you have to shop around for them.
Posted by Mika; updated 11/01/04


Why not just do a cake and drinks reception. That cuts down a TON on costs. You said it didnt need to be elaborate. How about using candles and twinkle lights instead of flowers? That is what I`m doing and it will be gorgeous. Dinner and flowers are two of the most expensive things. Also, for photography, contact a local college photography department and see if there are any students who would be able to do your photography for less. I am doing all of these things and getting married in 60 days. My email is bekahsue32@ilovejesus.net If you email me in early january, I`ll send you pictures so you can see how things turned out! Good luck!
Posted by Rebekah; updated 11/01/04


I know this may seem far fetched but have you thought about having your wedding and reception at an upstate NY location and chartering a couple of buses? The cost of having a reception up here is a lot less and the money your save will more than pay for the buses.
Wendy Lyon
Executive Director
A Wedding in the Country www.aweddinginthecountry.com
Posted by Wendy Lyon; updated 11/01/04