
Every year, the senior class strives to out-do the classes, especially the Senior Prom. So far, the themes alway have been simple. Everyone always dresses in gowns and tuxedos. My class definitely out-did last year's prom. Not only did our theme get everyone into costumes, but it was the first time I'd ever heard the chaperones had a great time.
The senior class voted for a Camelot theme for the prom. We decided to have the prom in the school gym so there would be more money to spend on elaborate decorations. We thought about making our own sets, but then we found a theater prop warehouse that we could rent sets left over from TV, movie and theater productions for a fraction of the cost. They also had many props like fake weapons, candle sconces, a chandelier, throne like , metal goblets and plates and a huge banquet table we could use as well. They also threw in a couple of fog machines with multi-colored lights to give our castle a mystical feel.
We chose a costume rental shop to refer the student body to. Of course the class President Mark, was given the role of King Arthur, and the Treasurer, Pam, was Queen Guenevere. Richard, the Vice President, was Lancelot, and the Secretary, Joan, was Morgan La Fey. All chaperones would dress in guard uniforms. Everyone who wanted to attend had to wear a costume. After some research we found out, Arthur if he really did exist, probably lived in the ninth century and not the twelfth. Everyone decided the clothing was so plain in the ninth century so costumes were allowed from the twelfth to the fourteenth century which is the period depicted in all the romantic Arthurian paintings. The costume rentals were actually no more expensive than renting a Tux or buying a prom gown.
We kept modern technology to a minimum, but we had to have a DJ and a photographer. Without modern dance music, we would have lost the crowd and everyone wants photos of the Senior Prom, especially when it was this cool.
My boyfriend, Eric, actually hired a horse-drawn carriages to take us to the school. I couldn't believe it when the carriage pulled up in front of my house and he got out. Most of the student body arrived in limos, or their own cars. Mark and Pam looked perfect as King Arthur and Queen Guenivere.
It was amazing the way the movie sets transformed into a real Medieval great hall. There was even colorful banners of coat of arms and a chandelier of iron and wood hanging from the rafters. The class officers would be seated at the main table while the rest of the class occupied the wings of he u-shaped banquet table. Every place was set with a gorgeous metal goblet and metal plates.
The DJ played some classical music while everyone waited for the arrival of the King and Queen. Two men in elaborate Medieval costumes each raised heralding trumpets to their lips and played a fanfare then announced the arrival of King Arthur and Queen Guenivere. Lancelot and Morgan Le Fay were announced after them and after they sat everyone else took their seats.
The meal started off with a hearty vegetable soup. The main course was an authentic Medieval feast of Cornish game hen or roast beef for the main course. Since potatoes and corn had not yet been brought from the new world there was peas, creamed spinich and asparagus for vegetables and lots of bread.
After dinner, the banquet table was quickly cleared away and the DJ fired up the dance music and everyone got out onto the dance floor.
An hour later the DJ announced the coronation of the King and Queen of the prom. Of course we all knew it would be Mark and Pam. They both looked so elegant in their Medieval finery. After the coronation they danced together and it felt almost as if we had gone back in time (well, except for the modern music). Some of us really got into the roles of Medieval lords and ladies and even tried to talk with English accents (even though no one spoke Modern English at that time). Everone made toasts with their metal goblets of sparkling apple cider. I thought it was really fun to pretend to be someone else who lived in a more romantic time for one night. A change seemed to come over everyone and they all acted more like ladies and gentlemen that night. Don't worry, they were back to normal at school the next week.
The photographer brought a backdrop of a winding road leading up to a stunning, ivy covered castle surrounded by a moat with a full moon in the night sky above. The picture of Eric and I turned out so good I had it framed. It was a night of elegance, chivalry, and fun. The whole school was talking about our Senior prom long after we graduated in June. My younger sister complained the new student government was having a difficult time coming up with more impressive theme for their Senior prom. Good luck!