Fashion Show

Decorations and activities for a fashion show party depend on the age and budget of the host. A runway will be needed, a stage for the judges.
Event Types
Adults, Corporate Event, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Dinner Party, Prom
Age Groups
Adults, Corporate Event, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Dinner Party, Prom
Smooth, wooden dance floor in home or hall. Audience sits around floor with judges at a separate table
Floor must be dry and uncluttered at all times, well lighted room, no obstacles close to dancers. Streamers, balloons, etc.. May be strung overhead.
Dress code
Dress up in fancy but comfortable Outfits for dancing with high heels (ladies) suits (men)
Bring own recorded music.
Food and drinks: buffet served continuously, open bar
Couples must practice at least one dance routine before the party. Host needs 3 judges who aren't dancing in the contest: Give 1 to 5pts. Areas to judge i.e.: Smoothness together accuracy of style timing costumes (don’t be too serious - keep it easy and loose) "Who's the star?" Dance nos. limited to 1 min each. Announce winner at the end of the evening. Open dancing after contest. Dancers may opt to be in multiple dance numbers. Guest take home CD's of dancers.